Week 12 Gamethread


SoSH Member
Aug 1, 2006
That makes no sense (though I understand the protecting the QB angle), because if the QB is running for the end zone and dives for the score and barely crosses the line, that should be a TD. But this rule would spot the ball at the 2 or wherever he started to dive from.
That would still be a TD so long as he broke the plane before touching the ground with any body part besides his hands or feet. From the NFL Rule book :
when a runner declares himself down by:
  1. falling to the ground, or kneeling, and clearly making no immediate effort to advance.
  2. sliding. When a runner slides feet or head first, or simulates sliding the ball is dead the instant he touches the ground with anything other than his hands or his feet, or begins to simulate touching the ground;


Found no thrill on Blueberry Hill
SoSH Member
Sep 9, 2008
I would say that maybe 35% of the time there is something insightful said, or he sees something I didn't necessarily see (usually because of camera angle), but the other 65% of the time you want to launch the "ref in the booth" into the sun along with the guy who threw the flag.

And to be clear, I will look anyone in the eye and say that officiating mistakes/misses are a part of every game and that is OK. But having to hear justification for those errors strikes me as doubling down on cruddy bets.
Yeah, I don’t believe in fixes. And I doubt anyone is told expressly to support the call that is being made on tv. But how many refs do you know who when talking to non refs tell you that a guy kicked a call? Occasionally but there is a bit of a tendency to support each other and to run everything through the lense of been there done that. The league and their tv partners know which way these guys are going to lean on close plays. If PI had been called late last night it is inconceivable to me that Parry is as definitive as he was on “no PI.” No way. He would have been looking to say the call was right. The league knows what it is doing and is good at propaganda.

Plus, everyone knows where their bread is buttered. Everyone who is involved in the enterprise knows that there are billions of dollars hinging on the idea that there is integrity in the game. Especially the networks and the people they employ.


SoSH Member
Nov 29, 2016
I believe the current rules treat head first the same as a feet first slide when it comes to spotting the ball.
Nah, head first dive has no special rules (ball declared dead as normal). Feet first slide is giving yourself up and the ball is dead

EDIT: I’m talking about a head first dive. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a head first slide
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SoSH Member
Aug 1, 2006
Nah, head first dive has no special rules (ball declared dead as normal). Feet first slide is giving yourself up and the ball is dead

EDIT: I’m talking about a head first dive. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a head first slide
They have been consistently not giving extra yardage to QBs on head first dives this year. Happened twice last night to both Pickett and Ryan. If you dive the ball is dead when you land, no opportunity to continue to move the ball forward even if it is an awkward dive like Ryan had. So effectively they are treating a dive like a slide. You do get the advantage of the ball naturally extended further but the ball is dead the moment any body part besides hands/feet touches the ground just like the feet first slide.


Son of the Harpy
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Thought MN guy got on Davis early to cause the tip but no really good replay so could be fan bias on my part. White gets a lot of INTs on that part of the field if I’m remembering his games right. Vikes not blocking Jets well yet.

Al Zarilla

SoSH Member
Dec 8, 2005
San Andreas Fault
In Detroit, the Lions got an "incomplete " pass overturned even though Dean Blandino concluded it should stay an incompletion. Big contention last week here that the officials on the field find it hard to overturn when the callin guy is against it.


Son of the Harpy
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
In Detroit, the Lions got an "incomplete " pass overturned even though Dean Blandino concluded it should stay an incompletion. Big contention last week here that the officials on the field find it hard to overturn when the callin guy is against it.
you’re in the wrong thread, pal. Maybe mod should lock.