Penn State AD and Sandusky Charged

Infield Infidel

teaching korea american
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Meeting Place, Canada
You know, I originally thought that the game this weekend should go on, out of respect for the players and the fans. But with all the mayhem tonight and with the seniors saying they won't play, they should forfeit. They don't deserve anything after all this nonsense tonight

Who knows what they'll do to that bus with the Nebraska players. It's not safe for them or anyone to go to this game.


SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
San Diego, CA

First smile I've had in this thread.
If you want more of a smile, read the entire tweet history for tonight - I think he honestly had no idea, but it's hilarious to watch him backtrack faster than someone who tweeted "I just read the first 5 pages of a history textbook, this guy named Hitler really had Germany moving forward in 1932 didn't he!"!/@aplusk


Well-Known Member
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SoSH Member
I have been saying elsewhere (as a Nebraska fan) that if they do play the game on Saturday that it should be moved to Pittsburgh as Heinz Field is available. I just don't think State College is prepared to host or is the place to have a football game on Saturday afternoon for a multitude of reasons.

I understand your concern GregFan69. State College is no place for football right now. If... God forbid, your Huskers need to use the showers before or after the game, well... there are no guarantees. This is central PA. Buggery be damned, but I can't imagine the embarrassment to your program if you lose.


Malt Liquor Picker
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
Alexandria, VA
I have been saying elsewhere (as a Nebraska fan) that if they do play the game on Saturday that it should be moved to Pittsburgh as Heinz Field is available. I just don't think State College is prepared to host or is the place to have a football game on Saturday afternoon for a multitude of reasons.
State College is 3 hours from Pittsburgh. That's 50% further than having the Jets move a game to Philadelphia.


New Member
Jul 21, 2005
If you want more of a smile, read the entire tweet history for tonight - I think he honestly had no idea, but it's hilarious to watch him backtrack faster than someone who tweeted "I just read the first 5 pages of a history textbook, this guy named Hitler really had Germany moving forward in 1932 didn't he!"!/@aplusk

Man, I just read his tweets and either he really didn't know or we'll be hearing about how someone hacked his acct tonight.

And to think he was recently helping coach high school football, you think he'd be a little more in tune with such recent events.


SoSH Member
Apr 23, 2010
If you want more of a smile, read the entire tweet history for tonight - I think he honestly had no idea, but it's hilarious to watch him backtrack faster than someone who tweeted "I just read the first 5 pages of a history textbook, this guy named Hitler really had Germany moving forward in 1932 didn't he!"!/@aplusk

Tee hee.

Maybe his mistress hacked his twitter.


SoSH Member
Aug 17, 2001
If you want more of a smile, read the entire tweet history for tonight - I think he honestly had no idea, but it's hilarious to watch him backtrack faster than someone who tweeted "I just read the first 5 pages of a history textbook, this guy named Hitler really had Germany moving forward in 1932 didn't he!"!/@aplusk
His PR guy must have flung himself at him and torn the phone from his hands in record time:

As an advocate in the fight against child sexual exploitation, I could not be more remorseful for all involved in the Penn St. case.


SoSH Member
Jul 14, 2005
State College is 3 hours from Pittsburgh. That's 50% further than having the Jets move a game to Philadelphia.
I don't want them to play the game period out of respect for the victims, the families, and everybody involved (you're a funny guy Phish), but I don't think they are going to forfeit, cancel, or whatever else at this late an hour. I think the spectacle outside of the field is going to be a total shitshow and dangerous.

Manny ActaFool

New Member
May 11, 2009
Man, I just read his tweets and either he really didn't know or we'll be hearing about how someone hacked his acct tonight.

And to think he was recently helping coach high school football, you think he'd be a little more in tune with such recent events.
Man, he almost seems too hard on himself. He's in Hollywood, not everyone is in tune with the outside world. I'm still educating friends on the basics of what's happening.


SoSH Member
Aug 1, 2006
I get joy thinking about the idiots who flipped over the news trucks tomorrow when they get the email from Penn State informing them they've been expelled, and a visit from the State College PD informing them that they are being charged with criminal mischief a 3rd degree FELONY in Pennsylvania.

Sille Skrub

SoSH Member
Mar 3, 2004
Regarding Kutcher....

I don't know how you could have missed this story. Even if you did somehow miss it, don't tweet about it.

What an idiot.


has the rich, deep voice of a god
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jun 3, 2005
California. Duh.
Regarding Kutcher....

I don't know how you could have missed this story. Even if you did somehow miss it, don't tweet about it.

What an idiot.
aplusk ashton kutcher

As of immediately I will stop tweeting until I find a way to properly manage this feed. I feel awful about this error. Won't happen again.
Maybe something good has come out of this after all.


New Member
Jul 21, 2005
I get joy thinking about the idiots who flipped over the news trucks tomorrow when they get the email from Penn State informing them they've been expelled, and a visit from the State College PD informing them that they are being charged with criminal mischief a 3rd degree FELONY in Pennsylvania.

Considering 9 out of 10 kids in that crowd had a camera phone on them, and at least a handful of them are posting that scene on Youtube as we speak, I think it's safe to say there will be some expulsions coming soon. As well as some very pissed off parents.

EDIT- Thanks, RFG.

Jed Zeppelin

SoSH Member
Aug 23, 2008
I get joy thinking about the idiots who flipped over the news trucks tomorrow when they get the email from Penn State informing them they've been expelled, and a visit from the State College PD informing them that they are being charged with criminal mischief a 3rd degree FELONY in Pennsylvania.
At this late hour after such craziness, that is pleasing. As is your screen name.

It was good to see the idiots in Vancouver get caught and hopefully the same happens here.


SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
San Diego, CA
I don't want them to play the game period out of respect for the victims, the families, and everybody involved (you're a funny guy Phish), but I don't think they are going to forfeit, cancel, or whatever else at this late an hour. I think the spectacle outside of the field is going to be a total shitshow and dangerous.
At some point in the next day or so, the Big10 is going to have to step in and deal with the football game... it was already going to be a PR disaster, but with the stuff tonight there's clearly a legitimate concern for Nebraska player safety. If I was Nebraska, I wouldn't want to be anywhere near that campus this Saturday


SoSH Member
Aug 1, 2006
At this late hour after such craziness, that is pleasing. As is your screen name.

It was good to see the idiots in Vancouver get caught and hopefully the same happens here.
Probably not all, but quite a few will. Since half of them were mugging for the ESPN cameras, add in the security cameras, whatever local news got before their trucks were destroyed, the stuff that will hit youtube and facebook, and the kids who were arrested on the spot and I assume several dozen dorm rooms will be empty next week. The kids that annoy me the most are the ones who were throwing rocks at the firetrucks.

Fred not Lynn

Dick Button Jr.
SoSH Member
Jul 13, 2005
At this late hour after such craziness, that is pleasing. As is your screen name.

It was good to see the idiots in Vancouver get caught and hopefully the same happens here.
Unfortunately, the number of Vancouver arrests has been very underwhelming. Hopefully the Penn State Police can do better given that they have expulsion available as a tool. Irony.


SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
This shit is unbelievable. Students throwing rocks at reporters and police. According to ESPN, police losing control of the situation.

Had to know worse allegations were coming. Pulling this outta my ass, were people from 2nd Mile involved in the cover up (Matt Millen and other board members?) or possibly even active participants in abuse? Was the whole charity nothing more than a safe haven for pedophiles, a la the Catholic Church? Either that or maybe somebody has some nasty dirt on Paterno or the administration that is just now forcing the board's hand. Yesterday they announced their intention to meet Friday, then all of a sudden change course and make a hasty announcement at 10pm at night? Get the feeling this was done in anticipation of further revelations.
Deep breath. Remember Nip's words of wisdom.

Does a single piece of evidence exist connecting Matt Millen with these crimes? If not, then suggesting he is covering for pedophiles, or worse, is one himself, suggests true witch hunt level hysteria.


New Member
Jul 21, 2005
I haven't watched this much ESPN in a long time, but I'm semi riveted. If anyone else is watching, does one of the announcers sound drunk??? I swear he has slurred or mispronounced about 10 words in the last ten minutes.


New Member
Aug 11, 2011
Deep breath. Remember Nip's words of wisdom.

Does a single piece of evidence exist connecting Matt Millen with these crimes? If not, then suggesting he is covering for pedophiles, or worse, is one himself, suggests true witch hunt level hysteria.
Nope, no evidence of any such things. Just throwing crap out there on what could possibly make this worse than it already is. Its pretty damn bad right now, so whatever "new, major allegation involving child sex abuse in [the] Sandusky case" that will "horrify the public" (as if we weren't horrified enough) must be pretty fucking extreme. I'm hoping this isn't simply fear mongering to drive up page views, but we shall see.

@SPORTSbyBROOKS This is a deadly serious matter. Keep the victims in your thoughts. Cannot emphasize that enough. In your thoughts.
I can't remember a more explosive, enthralling and gut-wrenching news story since 9/11. The Catholic Church scandal was equally as terrible, but unraveled slowly over an extended period of time. This feels more like an atomic bomb went off.

EDIT: Thinking back on it, I would also put the Virginia Tech and Columbine school shootings in the same category in terms of resulting shock & awe.


is insoxicated
SoSH Member
May 28, 2006
I haven't watched this much ESPN in a long time, but I'm semi riveted. If anyone else is watching, does one of the announcers sound drunk??? I swear he has slurred or mispronounced about 10 words in the last ten minutes.
This is more hardcore coverage than they're used to. Some of these guys have never been on TV for more than an hour in years, who knows what they're popping to keep the wheels turning.


New Member
Aug 11, 2011
Wow. Perspective much?
How is this lacking perspective? I'm talking about having a similar instantaneous and visceral emotional response to both events. Let me clarify that I am in no way comparing nor equating this to the human toll and resulting fallout of 9/11. That is obviously in another stratosphere. I apologize this was not made more clear,

Meff Nelton

SoSH Member
Aug 6, 2009
45 minutes from Fakee Stadium
How is this lacking perspective? I'm talking about having a similar instantaneous and visceral emotional response to both events. Let me clarify that I am in no way comparing nor equating this to the human toll and resulting fallout of 9/11. That is obviously in another stratosphere. I apologize this was not made more clear,
What Sandusky did was terrible. But going back even just eight months, if some deity offered me the opportunity to either stop all of his crimes, or stop the Japanese earthquake/tsunami/nuclear catastrophe from occurring, I don't spend one second considering it. I'm sure if I combed the papers, something much worse happened last month.

This is terrible, but it isn't an epic human tragedy of global proportions. There are legions of Jerry Sanduskys across America right now doing their evil thing. They just aren't affiliated with a major national sport. Don't get so affected by the outrage of the week.


Crests prematurely
SoSH Member
Jul 16, 2005
What Sandusky did was terrible. But going back even just eight months, if some deity offered me the opportunity to either stop all of his crimes, or make the Japanese earthquake/tsunami/nuclear catastrophe from occurring, I don't spend one second considering it. I'm sure if I combed the papers, something much worse happened last month.

This is terrible, but it isn't an epic human tragedy of global proportions. There are legions of Jerry Sanduskys across America right now doing their evil thing. They just aren't affiliated with a major national sport. Don't get so affected by the outrage of the week.
I won't answer for J.McG, but I will say this has been one extremely wild story.

And there may be other Jerry Sandusky's out there, but they sure aren't as connected as him. This is probably the biggest college scandal ever and has the potential - if not already is - the biggest sports scandal ever.

Now, while that isn't the same as a bunch of people dying in an earthquake, it has made for some insane media coverage/following along for the average person the last five days.

I mean, Joe Paterno had been the coach at Penn State since the start of the Korean War and in five days his entire empire has collapsed. That is nearly unbelievable.

And it is damn well explosive news.

Meff Nelton

SoSH Member
Aug 6, 2009
45 minutes from Fakee Stadium
I won't answer for J.McG, but I will say this has been one extremely wild story.

And there may be other Jerry Sandusky's out there, but they sure aren't as connected as him. This is probably the biggest college scandal ever and has the potential - if not already is - the biggest sports scandal ever.

Now, while that isn't the same as a bunch of people dying in an earthquake, it has made for some insane media coverage/following along for the average person the last five days.

I mean, Joe Paterno had been the coach at Penn State since the start of the Korean War and in five days his entire empire has collapsed. That is nearly unbelievable.

And it is damn well explosive news.
I agree. Incredibly horrible story with insane and historical 'news dynamics.' But 'most explosive, enthralling and gut-wrenching news story since 9/11' is lacking in perspective in my opinion.


New Member
Aug 20, 2008
Yes. Anyone and almost everyone who went there. https://www.facebook...ociation?ref=ts
What I said before about backtracking about my cult comments earlier? I totally take that back. While I know that not everyone who attended PSU worships at the holy altar of Joe Paterno, it's pretty clear that plenty there are completely delusional about the sanctity of the guy and the school. It's as if they are completely incapable of seeing what every who didn't go to their school is seeing. Fucking bizarre.


is insoxicated
SoSH Member
May 28, 2006
What I said before about backtracking about my cult comments earlier? I totally take that back. While I know that not everyone who attended PSU worships at the holy altar of Joe Paterno, it's pretty clear that plenty there are completely delusional about the sanctity of the guy and the school. It's as if they are completely incapable of seeing what every who didn't go to their school is seeing. Fucking bizarre.
Cult of Personality 101


New Member
Aug 20, 2008
Yes. Anyone and almost everyone who went there. https://www.facebook...ociation?ref=ts
Good lord. One of the posts on that page:
Elaine Hursen I bet everyone here at some point in their lives has failed to act to the fullest extent of their capacity - maybe a child is getting spanked a little to hard in the grocery store, maybe the neighbors' arguing is a little too heated, but you're not sure if it's any of your business or if you're going to cause more harm than good. It's easy to say in RETROSPECT, "I should have done more."

That's right. Avoiding telling a parent not to whack their kid in the supermarket or not telling the neighbors to pipe down are pretty much the same as not telling the police about child rape. More harm than good might come from it, after all.

But he wasn't even a WITNESS. He heard about it secondhand. The media have assassinated his character not because he did anything wrong, but because his was the only one worth assassinating.

Take note people. As long as you're being told that your former coach raped a kid, you have no obligation to act.

(I'm not saying she's indicative of everyone, just that this is the most batshit thing I've seen on that page, which consists entirely of batshit right now)


dj paul pfieffer
SoSH Member
Sep 6, 2004
where the darn libs live
Folks, Laddie is a guy with secrets to hide. I won't tell you what he did to my cousin a few years back until I'm subpoenaed, but it won't be long. He is not a respectable chap.

Laddie is the snowboarder whose head smacks off too many trees while pretending he can make it thru the forest. It's sad, but amusing at the same time.
Seriously: you suck. At everything. You're an AWFUL poster. Nearly everything you've ever posted is idiotic. Including what you've written in this thread.

Keep defending Paterno, really.

Moreover, keep making child molestation jokes in this thread. THEY'RE HILARIOUS. REALLY.


isn't shy about blowing his wad early
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Dec 3, 2010
Boston, MA
Madden: Rumor that Sandusky and Second Mile Foundation were pimping out young boys to prominent donors. He says it's being investigated by two prominent reporters.

Also mentions that he's confident that Sandusky was forced to retire in return for a cover-up.

This could be the rumor that SPORTSbyBROOKS was referring to.


Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Aug 4, 2005
And Madden just dropped the bomb, saying Second Mile was a front to get boys to rich donors. If that's true, God help that board.
There is your federal jurisdiction I was looking for last night; the Mann Act violations would be the dog, not the tail. If this proves out, it becomes too big for the Commonwealth; enter the FBI and Dep't of Justice.

Mr Weebles

swabbie bastard
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Apr 3, 2001
Madden: Rumor that Sandusky and Second Mile Foundation were pimping out young boys to prominent donors. He says it's being investigated by two prominent reporters.

Also mentions that he's confident that Sandusky was forced to retire in return for a cover-up.

This could be the rumor that SPORTSbyBROOKS was referring to.
Holy hell.


Ask me about total zone...or paint
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Dec 23, 2003
Falmouth, MA
Larry Johnson gets a lot of grief around here for both his on-air idiocy and simplistic artwork, much of it deserved. But he merits a little credit for this one.



SoSH Member
Nov 16, 2004
From the PS Alumni FB page:
Funny thing is these are two of her quotes from her facebook page:

"And you may ask yourself, well? How did I get here?"
A mistake is an opportunity to learn something.

I can't believe some of the comments from the students as to saying "how is it unfair we can't say goodbye on Saturday" etc. these kids just don't get it. The Alumni Facebook page is so disturbing. Is there something in the water there?


New Member
Aug 11, 2011
I agree. Incredibly horrible story with insane and historical 'news dynamics.' But 'most explosive, enthralling and gut-wrenching news story since 9/11' is lacking in perspective in my opinion.
I seem to have done a poor job explaining this. I am not saying the Sandusky story is any more wrong, tragic or devastating than 9/11, Japanese tsunami, etc and if that is how it came off I apologize. What I am saying is what makes the story so enthralling (in a bad way), gut-wrenching and explosive is a combination of unspeakable actions by rational human beings and lack of action by others who had multiple opportunities to stop them. To me, this is what makes the Sandusky story similar to other large-scale, tragic events. It forces one to take a hard, uncomfortable look at their own humanity and that of others. The Tsunami was awful, but was completely out of human control. This does not make it any less of a significant news story, but it does not necessarily require the same tough questions be asked.

I specifically used 9/11 as an example, and now regret it somewhat due to the intense emotions it carries, because it was something that kept me glued to my television for hours in disbelief wondering "What the fuck is going on? How the hell did this happen? What could possibly be next?" I find myself doing the same thing with this story, oscillating between rage, disbelief and sadness.

Please be assured I did not mean to start a pissing contest as to "what's the worse tragedy."

EDIT: grammar


isn't shy about blowing his wad early
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Dec 3, 2010
Boston, MA
I seem to have done a poor job explaining this. I am not saying the Sandusky story is any more wrong, tragic or devastating than 9/11, Japanese tsunami, etc and if that is how it came off I apologize. What I am saying is what makes the story so enthralling (in a bad way), gut-wrenching and explosive is a combination of unspeakable actions by rational human beings and lack of action by others who had multiple opportunities to stop them. To me, this is what makes the Sandusky story similar to other large-scale, tragic events. It forces one take a hard, uncomfortable look at their own humanity and that of others. The Tsunami was awful, but was completely out of human control. This does not make it any a less significant news story, but it does not necessarily require the same tough questions be asked.

I specifically used 9/11 as an example, and now regret it somewhat due to the intense emotions it carries, because it was something that kept me glued to my television for hours in disbelief wondering "What the fuck is going on? How the hell did this happen? What could possibly be next?" I find myself doing the same thing with this story, oscillating between rage, disbelief and sadness.

Please be assured I did not mean to start a pissing contest as to "what's the worse tragedy."
I'm with you J.McG. What makes this story so intriguing and enthralling is that I cannot think of a greater fall from grace in the history of this country. Perhaps I'm missing someone, but I can't really think of anyone that qualifies on this magnitude.

It's like being told your own grandfather is complicit in the rapings of young children. Except everyone in the entire country knows your grandfather. (Horrible metaphor?)